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Galician language


Galician is not a kind of portuguese, both two are different languages who evolved from the same, ancient galician or galaico-portugués.

>Only the Galician Royal Academy (RAG) supports that radical separation between Galician and Portuguese (see above), and even the RAG recognizes that there is a "great similarity" between the two as they are "related languages". As a general rule, linguists support that Galician and Portuguese are co-dialects of the same common language or, in other words, varities of a common language, diverse but essentially the same (in terms of grammar, syntax, codes, vocabulary, etc). A third variety of this common language would be Brazilian-Portuguese. However, it is true that the perception in Galicia may be that Portuguese and Galician are different languages (to some), although from a non-Galician person studying the language the differences will mainly come down to different accents, coloquialism and the current Galician spelling system, which is a copy of the Spanish spelling system. Sadly, this whole issue is deeply enrooted in politics (as with the choice of spelling systems for spoken Galician), and objective views are sometimes difficult to find. Opinions in Galicia are very diverse, so it is not a topic to be approached for a visitor unless he/she knows what he/she is talking about (i.e. do not take it lightly).

Galicia is the common English name for the place, so I've moved the article to that name. (WT-en) Jpatokal 05:11, 24 May 2005 (EDT)

Cleanup ODs


I cleaned up this stuff from the list of ODs. I'm pretty sure we can use it again in the future, but this doesn't improve navigation for now. --(WT-en) globe-trotter 12:32, 12 July 2010 (EDT)

Other destinations

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These lands are blessed with natural landscapes that offer ample diversity and quality destinations throughout the zone. Natural and industrial resources together with rich livestock and gastronomy where fish and seafood are in abundance. Sea, salt and sand fill this coastal zone, brimming with cliffs, coves, and beaches to enjoy oneself in the summer months. Monuments, stately homes, churches, popular and religious architecture and a multitude of fiestas to interest the tourist round off the possibilities that this destination has to offer, and make it the best way to get close to nature and history.

  • A Mariña Lucense

This varied coastline, full of estuaries and areas of spectacular cliffs and sandy coves is connected to the coastal mountains through valleys that merit some importance. They have allowed agricultural and proto-industrial activity, as well as being a home to natural and scenic richness.The coastal mountains although not very high are full of treasures, formations, valleys of glacial origin and extensive peat lands.

  • A Raia - Baixa Limia

The A Raia region is a frontier zone where the Parque Natural Galego "Baixa Limia Serra do Xurés" and the neighbouring Portuguese national park "Peneda-Geres" form a cross-border park that is unique in Europe. Roman legions passed here in the conquest of the Callaici tribe. In those times no frontier was present and it would be a long time before there was one. By altitude , this area preserves the lowest glacial circus' of the Iberian Peninsula.

  • Allariz

In the Allariz district you can enjoy different cultural and leisure activities. Walking and recreational areas; sporting and equestrian activities; canoeing; sporting disciplines such as triathlon or hiking; fiestas and country fayres of taditional produce; cultural activities present all year round. Allariz is probably one of the most beautifully restored old towns in Galicia.

  • Ancares - O Caurel

El Caurel is Galicia's huge nature reserve. Nearly all species, except coastal ones, are represented here. This area is on the geographic and climatic border inbetween the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. These mountains, due to its inaccessibility have allowed the survival of native forests called meadows, referring to oak, beech, yew, birch and holly trees, and generally present at river sources. The most famous one is the Dehesa de A Rogueira, both for distribution and amount of species and water features. The words of the poet Uxío Novoneyra will tell more than any explanation: "Courel, your peaks cry out from afar! Here you can hear very well, how small a man is...".

  • Costa da Morte

A history that has its roots in the neolithic, with traces of tempestuous periods and seafaring tragedies. Where legend mixes with reality, nature has a soul and the stones are authentic sanctuaries. A world of light and shade, stormy and calm. A coastline of incomparable beauty, abrupt cliffs and extensive beaches with the best sunsets in the world. A paradise for the lovers of marine ecosystems, sports and secluded beaches. A treat for the senses, the scenery, sound, touch, not to mention taste. The best raw ingredients for the best cuisine. The land of the senses: costa da Morte, the end of the road. It all starts where it all ends...

  • Ferrol-Eume-Ortegal

To the north of A Coruna province, the districts of Ferrol and Ortegal form part of an area of exceptional interest. Here the visitor can enjoy magnificent beaches, discover the largest cliffs in Europe and visit a city of undoubtable appeal such as Ferrol. The third district of this destination is the Eume district: an enchantment of coastal towns, the denseness of the National Park "Fragas do Eume" and the tranquil beaches which make an ideal spot for the tired traveller. Centuries of history have left this land with castles, bridges and monasteries.

  • Rías Baixas

The so called Rias Baixas follow a trail from Baiona to Fisterra. The Rías Baixas are the Estuaries of Vigo, Pontevedra, Arousa and Muros-Noia. The existing coastline can be broken down into tree covered areas intertwined amongst farmland. Orchards, crops and vineyards surround the villages, towns and cities. This generates a varied and joyful landscape. As well as having a rich and varied environment, one must add the extensive range of fish, seafood, wines and agricultural produce which will entice any gastronome. Art lovers can also find many distractions: Castros, roman, gothic or barroque churches. If time permits you may also visit stately country homes and magnificent museums like those found in Pontevedra, Vigo or Bueu.

  • Ribeira Sacra

Discover the Ribeira Sacra – Galicia´s Sacred Riverside where nature and history go hand in hand. In this corner of northwest Spain steep riversides, full of solitude, attracted monks and hermits from earliest times. Over the centuries it boasted one of the highest concentrations of monasteries throughout Europe. Today we can contemplate the lives of those ancient inhabitants of the Ribeira Sacra in the monuments they left behind them – from the simple and primitive to the truly majestic. In the steeply terraced vineyards and ancient chestnut groves it is possible to catch a glimpse of an ancient lifestyle that was also their legacy. And, as ever, the scenery of the Ribeira Sacra continues to captivate travellers today, with a thousand views and un-discovered corners, seemingly untouched by the passing of time.

  • Terras Altas de Galicia

The Terras Altas de Galicia (highlands) include all the settlements surrounding the Manzaneda Mountains in the province of Ourense. Amongst these mountain chains you can find the highest peak of Galicia, the Peña Trevinca peak (2127 metres), also called the ceiling of Galicia. The district comprises the municipalities of San Xoan de Río, A Pobra de Trives, Chandrexa de Queixa, Manzaneda, Larouco, A Rúa, Petín, Vilamartin, de Valdeorras, O Barcode Valdeorras, Rubiá, Carballeda de Valdeorras, O Bolo, A Veiga, Viana do Bolo, Vilarino de Conso, A Gudina and A Mezquita. Some of the municipalities border Castilla and Leon, Galicia's neighbouring province to the South-East.

  • Terras de Lugo

The land of natural and cultural heritage. The Roman Walls of Lugo: this monument symbolises Lugo. It is considered to be the best preserved and most important fortified settlement from the Roman world and has been declared World Heritage by the UNESCO. But there is more to see and experience in and around Lugo like the many protected natural spaces: the Biosphere Reserve Terras do Miño and the Sites of Community Importance Parga-Ladra-Támoga and Serra do Xistral.

  • Terras de Ourense

Heritage, culture, landscapes, gastronomy, people, ancient stones, water and silence that envelop and captivate the visitor. A magical territory full of colour, energy and different tones, a gift for the senses where time takes on another meaning, a place where thinking, feeling and living has another dimension. A whole world to discover.

  • Terras de Santiago

Santiago, the heart of Galicia and centre of pilgrimage since medieval times. Here the most diverse cultures melt with Galician tradition. Undulating soft hills and numerous rivers form part of the terrain, abundant in dense green vegetation that characterises the landscape. Cobbled streets, squares, manor houses and churches that transport us to another time live side by side with secular forests and river landscapes.

  • Muros
  • O Caurel
  • O Salnés
  • Rias Baixas
  • Sil